Senior Living
Most people find it hard to get motivated to clean out closets, the pantry or the basement of things they no longer need. And they really dislike the idea of getting rid of treasures they have gathered over a lifetime.
Older adults are no different. In fact, decluttering may be even more difficult for them. The sentimental value given to possessions which remind them of places or people who are no longer with us makes it hard to let go of these things. In fact, these cherished memories may provide a sense of security, a connection to loved ones and a sense of control when so much of their physical independence is lost.
Here at Springpoint at Home, we understand how important a sense of security and a feeling of connection is for our clients. However, we also understand that too much clutter can make it difficult to move about safely in their home, is a fire hazard in places like the kitchen, and contributes to unsanitary living conditions.
Most people resist the idea of cleaning out their home until circumstances force them to, like a move to a new community. Many adult children of aging parents feel overwhelmed when they think about the time and energy it will take to clear out years’ worth of their parent’s possessions.
Our Aging Life Care Advisors™ are uniquely positioned to help. Getting permission to declutter and downsize from a parent may be difficult. A neutral third party from Springpoint at Home can serve as the point person and help ease that process. We understand the need to work with your family member and offer choices, so they maintain a sense of control. Our professionals are compassionate and know the importance of taking it slow. They will ensure safety first, removing any tripping or fire hazards, out-of-date medications and expired food.
Family involvement is important as well and they can participate by helping to set realistic goals such as getting rid of duplicates first. The next step is to organize so that everything is where it should be and ensure that anything designated as something to throw out or donate leaves the house immediately. If a particular item is one that is designated to go to someone “when I pass”, then have them over for a visit and give it to them now so that you can see their enjoyment. Be sure to celebrate each time an area or room is cleaned out. This way everyone has a sense of accomplishment and is motivated to continue.
If your older family member has moved beyond clutter to hoarding, then the help of a professional organizer may be the best solution. Our Aging Life Care Advisors™ can recommend someone in the declutter business to take control of the project. This can be especially helpful if the home needs to be sold quickly.
For more information on Springpoint at Home and how we can help, please call 609-301-2101.