Healthy Living
We Can Help You Combat Elder Isolation with the “My Family Legacy” Project
Have you been searching for an activity that could help your loved one feel less isolated and lonely even in the midst of a pandemic? One activity we’ve found that can help is called reminiscence. Research has shown that reminiscence activities lead to improvements in mood, communication, quality of life and cognition. These improvements hold true even for people who have memory problems.
Here at Springpoint at Home, we are committed to our clients’ physical, mental and emotional health. Our care managers, registered nurses and aides are constantly in contact and, as a team, are concerned about the increased isolation and loneliness they have seen during this past year.
Mary Anne Ross, certified Social Worker and Aging Life Care Advisor ™ at Springpoint at Home, is passionate about combating loneliness and isolation in our aging loved ones. For years her passion project, “The Family Legacy,” has been offering elders the opportunity to create a lasting gift for their children and future generations. We are proud to be offering this opportunity to our clients and their families.
“Our elders have become increasingly isolated this last year. They can’t reminisce with their peers at the senior center or the dog park and many families have been unable to visit. This is a loss on so many levels. Reminiscence can be a powerful tool for transformation.”
“When an elder tells me about the businesses they built, the families they raised, their time in the service or their passion for gardening, I see their strengths, creativity and courage. The mask of aging disappears, and I see who they are. Perhaps, more importantly, they do too.”
This type of review also allows our elders to resolve conflicts and reflect on their decisions and the turning points in their lives.
Creating a Family Legacy is a way for future generations to hear tales of family members they will never meet. It is a way to recognize the subtle inheritances that are passed on through the generations like our sense of humor or the way we laugh or tease.
Another benefit of creating a Family Legacy is the opportunity for our loved ones to look at a lifetime of possessions and reminisce about the meaning they hold for them. When they speak about objects that are dear to them, a story is shared and passed on. Future generations can learn about the loving heart of a great grandmother or grandfather they never knew. Future generations can appreciate why a place like Jones Beach or Coney Island is so important to the family. Family members and future generations gain strength and inspiration from these histories as they learn their ancestors’ struggles, talents and successes.
This stroll down memory lane, the ability to preserve family history in a Family Legacy, is an important gift for your loved one, your family and future generations.
Normally, we interview people in their homes. During this time of COVID, we have found that phone interviews can be just as effective. We are also able to meet outside where we can wear a mask and maintain social distancing. For more information on how to “share the story of you,” please call Springpoint at Home at 609-366-1900. We are proud to offer this unique service, My Family Legacy.