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There is much to be hopeful for in the fight to get COVID-19 under control in 2021. There are several vaccines, all with excellent efficacy and few side effects. Even with new strains of the Coronavirus appearing in the world, the current vaccines appear to work as intended against these new strains. Our Springpoint at Home aides and care managers were one of the first in the state to receive the vaccine. Our goal is to always keep our clients and their families safe.

But we are not out of the woods and must continue to be vigilant. Wearing masks, keeping a 6-foot social distance and limiting personal contact to a tight bubble of friends and family is going to remain a part of our world into the foreseeable future.

As we start the new year, it is exhausting to think about how long we will need to continue these steps in order to keep ourselves and others safe. The new year is when we typically set intentions and reflect on what we want to accomplish. In the middle of a pandemic, that can seem like a daunting and even futile undertaking.

The truth is, there is no more important time to reflect and set intentions for your health, family and professional life than at a time when our world is chaotic and stressful. Looking inward allows us to decide how to direct our own lives, gives us the opportunity to continually improve toward something that matters and gives us purpose. When intrinsic motivation is at the forefront of our 2021 intentions, we are not as dependent upon outside forces and things we can’t control like COVID-19. What we can work to control is how we react to these outside forces.

Winter is here and we are seeing an increase in cases of the coronavirus due to holiday travel. There is no better time to create a safe space, a cozy sanctuary in your home that brings you comfort. Creating this space is a first step to creating your intentions for the year and a retreat when work, family, caregiving, the virus and other stressors become overwhelming.

Creating a safe space does not require an entire room, but it is best to find an area that is quiet and where you can sit in comfortably. What brings you comfort? Is it a talisman or token that has special meaning? Does the scent of a certain candle or incense bring back memories of people or places that are dear to you? Are there pictures of people or places that make you smile with happy memories? Maybe it is a quilt that a loved one made for you. When you bring these things into your safe space, you remind yourself of what is important to you and what can’t be taken away by the stresses of today.

Your intentions for the year can be captured and then placed in this sacred space as a reminder and as an opportunity to evaluate progress or amend an intention as time goes on. Letting your family know that this space is a retreat and that you expect them to respect your time there can go a long way to setting a boundary that is key to your mental and physical health. It can become the place that allows you to transition from “work” to “family” life, which studies show is especially important if you are working from home. It may turn into a space that simply allows you to sit back and read a book with your favorite drink at your side without being interrupted. Wouldn’t that be lovely?


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