Healthy Living
“Just a reminder that you don’t have to make resolutions, huge decisions or big proclamations. You can just set some sweet intentions and take each day as it comes.”
Victoria Erickson, Author, Rhythms & Roads
The past couple of years have changed the world and our lives in big and small ways. The pandemic upended priorities, work life balance and taught many of us that being in the moment grounds you.
If you have gotten away from New Year’s resolutions and moved to setting an intention, you are not alone. Setting an intention towards better health, more time with family or even a specific work goal helps keep us focused. But as caregivers know, life can be upended in a moment and the best of intentions can fall to the wayside.
Setting a resolution or an intention requires self-reflection and a review of your life over time. Truly, that self-reflection may be the most valuable part of this process. As caregivers, when you give yourself the gift of sitting quietly or driving without listening to music or a podcast, you allow new insights and “aha” moments to bubble to the top. And in that self-reflection, you can set a sweet intention for that moment, that hour or the day.
In that moment, that small intention can have you reaching for a carrot instead of a cookie. In that moment, you can lean into the reality of the person living with a memory impairment and find joy in the connecting with them. In that moment, you can stop before you hit send on the email and reflect on your motivation. And in that moment, you can forgive yourself if you are not perfect at work, at home or at caregiving.
When you set some sweet intentions and take each day as it comes, then when you put your head down on the pillow at night and review the day, you know you did the best job that you could and that is all you can ask of yourself.
Finding the time for a review of your life, especially as it pertains to caregiving and all it entails, is difficult. When you ask for help from Springpoint at Home, our aides give you the break you need to take the time for yourself. And our Aging Life Care Advisors™/Care Managers help to make a future plan that helps keep you and your elder on the path to good health and safety. We are here to help you in big ways and small. For more information, For more information on Springpoint at Home and how we can help, please visit springpointathome.org/ or call 609-301-2101.